
Academic/Career Counseling Services

Find our various services available below. From ways to talk to a counselor, new student and returning/continuing student information, other types of counseling, and counseling courses.


    • If you have college credit from other colleges/universities that you would like to apply to a degree or certificate at Solano, please request a Transcript Review.  Send official transcripts to Admissions & Records with the request to review the transcripts at least two weeks prior to your Counseling appointment. If you know the major/program you would like to complete at Solano, please include notes on the transcript review form requesting the transcripts be reviewed for equivalency of courses for that major. If you don’t have a major chosen you can add notes to request a transcript review for equivalency of General Education course (also indicate if you intend to transfer to a 4 yr college or not).


Please review the following videos and information to see if this answers your questions.  If not, feel free to contact us and make an appointment.


Express Counseling is for: pre-requisite clearances, registration error questions, questions on course substitutions, petition signatures, or other short questions. Full-transcript reviews or education plans are not available, please make an appointment.

Express Hours are: Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-1:00pm and 3:00pm-5:00pm; Friday 10:30am-1:00pm

  • There are limited or no Express Counseling when classes aren’t in session.

Process – Please pick the best method for your situation:

  • Email ( best for petitions, pre-requisite clearances in which documents are needed to be reviewed (please include the reason you are emailing, your name, Solano Student ID #, and phone number)
  • Phone (707-864-7101) or Chat – best for quick questions on transfer or choice or one course (please include the reason you are contacting office, your name, Solano Student ID #, and call back phone number)

Online Booking System: Go HERE to use the online appointment booking system to schedule your phone or zoom appointment with a counselor.   

  • If you are on Probation II or Academic Dismissal, please call 707 864-7101 or email, and mention your academic standing for an appointment with a Counselor to help you with your academic goals
  • Zoom Appointment – this is a video meeting (very easy, just like facetime) with a Counselor. The benefit of this meeting is the counselor can share their screen to show you more information and review documents in greater detail. Try it out! Here’s some tips to help.
  • Phone Appointment – the Counselor will call you at the designated counseling appointment time. The number may show as “blocked or restricted.” Please be sure to pick up the call and unblock any apps that may restrict these types of call.

Please watch before your appointment: Getting the Most out of Your Counseling Appointment (video – 7 min)

30 min appointments are for:

  • one semester education plans with less than 20 units and no transcripts from other schools
  • general transfer questions, major/career discussions

60 min appointments are for (please note due to reduced staffing, prioritization will be for 30 minute appointments during busiest times):

  • degree/transcript review for graduation or transferring; transfer application assistance
  • financial aid application forms which require comprehensive education plan
  • multiple semester course plans (comprehensive education plans)
  • review of more than 20 units on transcripts from other schools
Counseling Office Information
  • Front Desk Phone: 707-864-7101 Monday – Thursday open 8:30 – 4:30 pm; Friday 8:30 – 3:00 pm. If If you hear the voicemail, please leave your name, reason for calling, Solano ID# and call back phone number with your message. Note: with limited services please expect 2 business days for a response.
  • Online Appointment Booking System: Go HERE to use the online appointment booking system to schedule your phone or zoom appointment with a counselor
  • Express and Online Express Chat: Monday – Friday 10:30 am – 1:00 pm; M-Th 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. No or limited Express when classes aren’t in session.
  • Email: with questions. Please include the reason you are emailing, your name, Solano Student ID #, and phone number. Note: with limited services please expect 2 business days for a response.

Other Types of Services

  • Solano College offers the following types of counseling, free of charge:

    • Academic Counseling – assistance to students in selecting a major, educational planning, certificate, associate degree and transfer requirements, as well as strategies for students to effectively deal with low grades, study habit, and effective course planning
    • Career Counseling – assistance to students in developing career goals based on their interests, abilities and achievements. Please visit the Career Center for assistance with these topics as well.
      Other helpful resources include:
    • Accessibility Services Center (ASC)– a program that provides services for students with physical, communication, learning disabilities, psychological disabilities or other medical problems
    • CalWORKsEducation to workforce support program for County CalWORKs recipients
    • Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) – a program that offers services to students who are both financially and educationally disadvantaged
    • International Student Program – a program that provides counseling and assistance to students from other countries who are studying on F-1 Visas
    • Puente Project – a program designed to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees and return to the community as leaders and mentors to future generations (The Puente Project is open to all interested students.)
    • Transfer Center – access to information to facilitate transfer to four-year colleges, universities and vocational schools, and/or career life pursuits for students
    • Veterans Resource Center – assistance to veterans or qualified dependents in applying for and receiving education benefits for various G.I. bills